Bob Josey - AntiChrist Sept 1 2019

Post date: Sep 2, 2019 2:46:56 PM

The Antichrist – September 1, 2019


13:3 – One of the seven heads was slain or died because it received a fatal wound from a sword as seen in verse 14. You might think the phrase “as if it had been slain” or literally the Greek Text says “as though slain” means that it just appeared that it was slain but was not. Remember that the beast John saw was like a leopard, like a bear, and like a lion. These are similes that represents the beast. “As though slain” is also a simile that represents that lions head received a fatal wound, therefore, representing that the beast died.  A similar phrase is found in Revelation 5:6 concerning Jesus death. Here it’s talking about the Lamb, Jesus. We know that from Scripture that Jesus actually died, was buried, and was resurrected to live again. Which one of the seven heads received the fatal wound?  Since six of the heads were inactive, it was probably the seventh head, the active head of a lion that was fatally wounded.  Remember that the head and the rest of the body represents the beast, the antichrist.


Then John tells us that the wound that killed the beast was healed. The Greek construction of the verb tells us that the wound did not heal itself but was healed by an outside force. The Text does not say who or what healed the fatal wound, but it must have been Satan, the dragon. Again, just as Jesus died and was resurrected to live again, the Antimessiah also died and was healed to live again. Satan, the pseudo father is trying to emulate the Holy Father in the death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah.


Does Satan have power to do miracles? Satan has great spiritual powers, but there is a great difference between the power of Satan and the power of God. The first thing to consider is that God has infinite power, but Satan and the demons only have limited and finite power. The second thing to consider is that God can create life, but Satan and the demons cannot. However, in the healing of the antichrist after being fatally wounded, I think that God gave Satan in this case the power to give life to the antichrist. Since he was really dead, that make more sense than anything else. Whatever real powers Satan has, they come from God. He is a master magician and super scientist, and since Satan has the knowledge of man, the earth, and the universe, he can perform “false wonders.” (2 Thess. 2:9) These false wonders appear to be real miracles but Satan has the power that he gives to the antichrist to perform deception. The result of Satan healing the antichrist’s fatal wound is that the entire world of unbelievers is so astonished and amazed at the miracle of giving life to the dead antichrist that they follow and worship the resurrected antichrist.


The power given to Satan by God in the Tribulation period to perform the miracle of healing of the dead antichrist and the other deceptive miracles that he will do are limited. Satan is also a liar, a deceiver, and can certainly can perform false miracles. He has the power to oppress those who yield to him and even possess them. He wants the world to follow him instead of Jesus.

The Christian, however, must remember that even though Satan has these abilities today, he cannot possess the believer and the believer cannot be influenced by him, if the believer allows the Holy Spirit to control his or her life.  Galatians 5:16 says, “… walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” and Galatians 5:25 “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”  An individual is not only given eternal life when they trust Jesus as Savior but also is given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As a result of this indwelling, believers should walk in the Christian life step by step by means of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus defeated and triumphed over Satan and the demons at the cross thus giving believes the power to live a victorious life over them. John informed us in 1 John 4:4 that “He who is in the you is greater than he who is in the world.”

13:4 – The forthright and upfront worship of Satan has occurred for thousands of years just as it does today.  However, the most widespread worship of Satan that the world has ever known will be found in the great tribulation.  It is not just the worship of some pagan deity has have been done for thousands of years, but the worship of Satan himself who in his whole program seeks to be “like God” (It has always been Satan's purpose to receive the worship due to God alone, as stated in Isaiah 14:14, "I will make myself like the Most High." Because men worship Satan, they also worship the beast because of his supernatural character. This powerful and charismatic man will rule over the revived Roman Empire because Satan will give him the power and authority to rule the world. This will not take place until the beginning of the last three and one-half years of the Great Tribulation. This is Satan's final attempt of counterfeit religion in which he assumes the place of God the Father, and the beast or the world ruler assumes the role the Messiah as a substitute for Him. The antichrist will secure power by personal ability and appeal (Rev. 13:4b).


Unbelievers will worship the beast and say "who is like the beast?" By worship is meant loyalty and allegiance. The antichrist will...

·        be an intellectual genius. Dan. 8:23

·        be a political genius. Rev. 17:11-12

·        be an oratorical genius. Dan. 11:36 

·        be a commercial genius. Dan. 11:43; Rev. 13:16-17 5

·        be a religious genius. 2 Thess. 2:4; Rev. 13:8  

·        be a military genius. Rev. 6:2; 13:2

·        be a master of deceit. 2 Thess. 2:10

·        do signs and false wonders to appeal to people Matthew 24:24; 2 Thess. 2:9

·        will not have the desire of women. Dan. 11:37


The question, “Who is like the beast” requires a negative answer. No one is! From the above list of characteristics, we know why! The expression, "Who is like the beast?"also seems to be a parody of Old Testament praises to God such as “who is like You.”  The question, “Who is able to wage war with him?" also requires a negative answer. No one! The antichrist will have under his authority the strongest military organization the world has ever seen. Because of this, nation after nation will give their allegiance and loyalty to him. They will peacefully surrender to him. No one will be able to make war or to rebel against his military organization.

13:5-6 - The evil character of the world ruler of that day is shown in his boasting and blasphemy. In Daniel 7:8, 11, and 25 the prophet describes the antichrist as “uttering great boasts,” giving the “sound of the boastful words,” and speaking “out against the Most High.” He also speaks out against the Tabernacle of God, God’s dwelling place, as well as against those who dwell in heaven with Him.

He will certainly be Satan’s mouthpiece. Daniel 9:25 also says that “he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.” The antichrist will change many things in the world and will and also make null and void all the previous laws so to place his own laws into effect. At the breaking of the covenant with Israel in the middle of the tribulation period, he will take complete charge of the world for 42 months or 3½ years until the Messiah sends him to his demise.


13:7 – In Daniel 7:23 the prophet anticipates that the beast will devour the entire earth. This shows the extent of his power. We see the worldwide authority the antichrist will have in the phrase in verse 7 that says “power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Notice the word “all.” How many kings, leaders, rulers, and generals longed to experience what the antichrist will experience as he rules over the entire world?


The expression “it was given to him” shows that his power and authority came from Satan.  As Satan’s vice-regent on the earth, the antichrist will wage war against believers in the Messiah throughout the entire globe and his goal is to defeat them and to control them. Many believers in the Messiah, Jews and Gentiles, will die a martyrs’ death during the last three and one-half years of Great Tribulation. Others will not experience a martyrs’ death but will live to glorify God and enter the Messianic Kingdom.


Next week we will finish our study of the antichrist during the Tribulation period in Revelation 13:8-10 and also will begin our study of the false prophet in Revelation 13:11-18.