Bob Josey - 7 The Other Comforter Lesson #4- Mar 20, 2022
Thriving in Jesus
Chapter 7 The Other Comforter - Lesson 4
Filling of the Holy Spirit
Everyone has experienced times when they were very hungry or very thirsty. The only thing that would satisfy that hunger or thirst was to eat food until one was full or to drink water or Gatorade until one was full.
When one’s vehicle is almost empty, it is somewhat satisfying to fill that vehicle up with gasoline. Somewhere around 2009 or 2010 there was a shortage of gasoline. This shortage made the prices higher. In September of whatever year that was, we were delivering our last Rosh Hashana baskets to rabbis. I was in Atlanta and my car was almost empty. I was really afraid I would run out of gas shortly. I could not find a gas station that had gas at any price. I was on Cheshire Bridge Road near I85 when a noticed a gas station that had gas. The price was well over $5.00 a gallon, but I did not care. I praised the Lord for answering my prayer to find gas and fill it as full as I could get it. I was certainly very happy and satisfied to find gas and fill up my car.
Everyone has experienced a time when they had a severe toothache, a sinus infection, or something very painful in which the only thing that would relieve the pain was a prescribed pain meds? Getting a prescription filled and taking the pain med was the only that would bring relief and satisfaction.
In 1990 I had a severe sinus infection. Every time my heart beat, it felt like someone was stabbing one of my sinuses with an ice pick. I went to an emergency care facility. After he diagnosed it as a sinus infection, he gave me an antibiotic prescription. I asked him if he could give me prescription of Tylenol 3. I did not know there were other pain relievers except for morphine and Tylenol 3. He told me since the pain was so bad, that he would prescribe something else to relieve the pain that was better than Tylenol 3. He gave me a prescription for something I have never heard of before – Lortab. I took the prescription to the pharmacist and had it filled. When I took the meds, it not only relieved the pain, but I also did not have a care in the world. I was totally satisfied until the Lortab wore off.
Filling our bodies with food, liquid, or pain meds when needed is very satisfying. Being filled with the Holy Spirit which is one of His ministries, is very satisfying us but also to God. We see this in Philippians 4:14-19.
14Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction.
15You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone;
16for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs.
17Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.
18But I have received everything in full and have an abundance; I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent…
Paul was satisfied and thankful to the Philippian Church when he received a full abundance of what he needed personally and for his ministry. The word amply means “to fill full” and could be translated “I am fully supplied.” This Greek word is the same word that is translated “be filled with the Spirit” in Ephesians 5:18 that we are going to discuss in a few minutes. The believers in Philippi gave to Paul a full abundance of what he needed time and time again because they were filled with the Holy Spriit. They were filled with the Holy Spriit which resulted in Paul being filled with necessities for him and his ministry that they gave him. But it does not end there. Let’s read remainder of verse 18 and then verse 19.
All us have been pleased when we smelled bar-be-Q on the grill or steaks cooking at a steak restaurant. The Philippian church was generous to Paul in the things they sent him and the result was deemed to be a sacrifice which was a fragrant aroma that was pleasing to the LORD. This concept of a sacrifice being a fragrant aroma pleasing to the LORD comes from Exodus 29:18.
“You shall offer up in smoke the whole ram on the altar; it is a burnt offering to the Lord: it is a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the Lord.”
Philippian 4:19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Most of the time Philippian 4:19 verse is taken out of context. Even though God promises to supply all of our needs, He does not promise that in this verse. In this verse He promises supply all of our needs in the realm of helping others in need. If someone needs help, like the Ukrainians do today, God will supply your needs from His treasure house in Heaven to help them and others in need.
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The Filling of the Holy Spirit
Now let’s turn our attention to the filling of the Holy Spirit which is one of His’ ministries. In Ephesians 4:1-17, Paul gives several instructions to the church at Ephesus on how believers should imitate the life and goldy character of Jesus. One of the exhortations concerned being filled with the Holy Spirit as we see in Ephesians 5:18.
(And) do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, …
In this verse we see a comparison and contrast between two issues. Both issues have to do with control of one actions. The first control issue has to do with losing control of one’s actions when one has become intoxicated because of drinking too much wine. Paul considers loosing self-control of ones actions by being intoxicated as dissipation. Dissipation means one becomes disorderly and lacks understanding. One who becomes intoxicated lacks discipline which can lead to ruined life. They waste their valuable resources to gratify their sensual desires. In light of this, Paul commands believers not to become intoxicated which causes unrestrained and self-indulgent living can lead the ruin of one’s life in short term and or the long term. I personally too many people who have gone down that road. Today there are other things that can be physically or mentally intoxicating and addicting such as legal or illegal drugs, gambling, shopping, the internet, etc. These thing can cause one to lose self-control and become unrestrained in their actions. These things also can cause the ruin of one’s life.
In contrast to being intoxicated and losing control of one faculties, Paul commands believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Being filled with the Holy Spirit also concerns the control of one’s life. I want to emphasize that a new believer is not commanded to be baptized by the Holy Spriit, to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit or to be indwelt by the Holy Spriit. These blessings or gifts by the Holy Spirit occur automatically and instantaneously when one trusts in Jesus. One the other hand, being filled with the Holy Spirit is commanded which means a believer has a choice to be filled or not to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Also notice that being filled by the Holy Spirit is not something a believer does to themselves but they allow it to be done to them. What exactly does begin filled with the Holy spirit mean? It means yielding to the Holy Spirit, who indwells us, to control us completely.
As wine controls the actions of someone, the Holy Spirit filling someone results in Him controlling the actions of a believer. The "wine" that fills a person controls every area of his or her life, as long as that person consumes it. The Holy Spirit can control every area of a believers life as long as he or she yields to the Spirit. A person intoxicated with wine act foolishly and in an unusual manner and a believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit acts in an unusual manner that is good and different than the world’s actions.
For the Holy Spirit to fill or control a believer, the believer must be an acceptable receptacle or container. No one would pour milk, water, Soda, or any other liquid into a container that was cracked or had a hole in it. This would be an un acceptable container or receptacle. The Holy Spirit will not fill a believer if the conditions are not acceptable. It is possible for a believer to be born of the Spirit, baptized with the Spirit, indwelt by the Spirit, and sealed with the Spirit and yet to be without the filling of the Spirit. The first four of these ministries are already perfectly accomplished in every believer from the moment he is saved.
What, then, would cause the Holy Spirit not to fill a believer. Basically there are three roadblocks.
1.Quenching the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19)
Do not quench the Spirit;
In the physical realm the word quench it means to put out, snuff out, or douse. In the spiritual sense it means to stifle, suppress, or hinder. It is, therefore, quenching in the sense of resisting, opposing, or hindering the Spirits’ work in and through the believer. The illustration we usually think about concerning this is that of water being thrown on a fire to extinguish it. Quenching the Spirit may be simply defined as being unyielded to the Lord, or, saying, “No.” to Him. The issue is, therefore, the question of willingness to do His will. The persistent resistance of the leading of the Spirit results in further departure from the will of God and continued being out of fellowship with God. The Spirit can no longer direct and bless in fullness as His ministry has been denied by the believer. The proper response is to follow the Spirit's direction and control without resistance.
2. Grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30)
(And) Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God…
The second road block to being filled with the Spirit is Grieving the Holy Spirit. There is an untranslated Greek Conjunction (kai) at the beginning of verse 30 in the NASB95 that should be translated “and,” It is translated in the ESV. The conjunction “and” ties verses 29 and 30 together. The word grieve means to offend or insult. This sin involves doing that which the Holy Spirit would not have us do in the area of unwholesome speech which is harmful, bad, or evil. According to verses 29 and 30, unwholesome words are forbidden for two reasons; one, they impede the spiritual growth of believers and two, it grieves the Holy Spirit. We all know how sharp the tongue and how ugly the tongue can be!
Grieving the Holy Spirit goes hand in hand with quenching the Holy Spirit. Let me tell you a story to illustrate this: A believer boards a plane in Atlanta for Los Angeles and finds himself seated next to an unsaved man. In flight the Holy Spirit prompts the believer to witness to the unsaved man, but he remains silent and fails to witness. At this point, the believer has quenched the Holy Spirit. He has not done that which the Spirit of God wanted him to do. As the flight continues, however, the two men introduce themselves and begin talking, but not about spiritual things. In fact, to the shame of the Christian, several off-color stories are passed between the two men. Now the saved man has gone the second step and grieved the Holy Spirit—he has done that which the Holy Spirit did not want him to do. He quenched and grieved the Holy Spirit.
If one has quenched and/or grieved the Holy Spirit, the goal is to restore fellowship with God. The remedy quenching and/or grieving the Holy Spirit is confession and repentance as we see in 1 John 1:9.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.,
3. Not continually yielding to the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16)
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and (result) you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.
The verb walk in the present tense and could be translated “keep on walking” or continually walk.” The verb walk means living one life Here Paul commands believers in Jesus is to continually live ones daily life by allowing the Holy Spirit to control their lives. If one allows the Holy Spirt to continually control their lives, they will not be controlled by the flesh and the result will be that they will not give into the desires and cravings of the sinful nature. But the Spirit does not operate automatically in a believer’s heart. He waits to be depended on. Continually Yielding to the leading the Holy Spirit with His power if the key to not giving into the carving of the sinful nature. When one is continually yielding ones life by the power of the Holy Spirit, he or she is indeed filled with the Holy Spirit. Not yielding to the leading the Holy Spirit with His power is certainly a roadblock to being filled with the Holy Spirit.
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Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer in his book He That is Spiritual identified seven manifestations of a Spirit filled life that are only experienced by a Spirit-filled believer. These results are never related to any other ministry of the Spirit than that of filling.
1. The Spirit Produces Christian Character (Galatians 5:22-23)
2. The Spirit Produces Christian Service (Eph. 2:10; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
3. The Spirit Teaches (1 John 2:27)
4. The Spirit Promotes Praise and Thanksgiving (Eph. 5:19-21)
5. The Spirit Leads (Romans 8:14)
6. The Spirit Witnesses with Our Spirit (Romans 8:16)
7. The Spirit makes Intercession for Us (Romans 8:26)
When you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, you acquire all the Holy Spirit you are going to get. This never changes. To be filled by the Spirit does not mean you will acquire more of the Holy Spirit, but it means the Holy Spirit will acquire more of you. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not unusual, it is normal to the Christian life. Lastly, one is not filled by the Holy Spirit by praying or waiting on the Holy Spirit. One is only filled by the Holy Spirit when one yields to the Holy Spirit.
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