Bob Josey: Role of the Holy Spirit in the Tribulation Period Nov 24 2019

Post date: Nov 24, 2019 9:43:11 PM

The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Tribulation Period


For the last several months we have been studying the role of different personalities during the Tribulation Period. Before we delve into the events of the Tribulation Period, it would be a good idea to discuss the role or the ministry of one more personality - the Holy Spirit. As we are going to see, the role or ministry of the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation Period is going to be somewhat different than it has been during the church age, just like the role or ministry of the Holy Spirit was different than during the Old Testament.

A. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit During the Church Age

Let’s do a quick review of the ministry of the Holy Spirit during the Church age. Before one trusts in Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit convicts an individual that they are a sinner who are separated from God and in need of a Savior. The moment one trusts in Jesus as Savior the Holy Spirit does the following for the new believer:

o regenerates

o seals

o indwells

o baptizes an individual into the body of Christ

o Gives the believer at least one spiritual gift

During the life of a believer in Jesus, the Holy Spirit does the following:

· Fills the believer when obedient

· Assures the individual that he or she is believer

· Gives illumination to the believer concerning the Bible

· Gives the believer wisdom

· Leads and guides the believer

· Prays for the believer

· Gives power to the believer

B. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit During the Tribulation Period

Several months ago we discussed that Church will be Raptured out of this would to heaven one day. At that time lawlessness will begin to increase until the middle of the Tribulation Period. When the antichrist breaks his’ covenant with Israel, then lawlessness will really increase. The reason lawlessness will begin to increase after the rapture of the church is found in 2 Thess. 2:1-7. The Holy Spirit restrains lawlessness now through believers on earth being indwelt, but when He is removed, lawlessness will increase. When believers, whom He indwells, are removed at the Rapture, the ministry of the Holy Spirit will change in relation to man. Even though His ministry will change, He will still be omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. and will continue His ministry to man similar to what it was in the Old Testament.

1. In Relation to the Lost During the Tribulation Period

Just as Jews and Gentiles were converted in the Old Testament, thousands will be converted in the Tribulation Period during a time of great horror, wickedness, and apostacy. Remember from our study of the 144,000 Jewish men that they will be saved and sealed. (Revelation 7:4; 14:4) Also, during the Tribulation Period a great multitude of Gentiles from all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues will be saved as well. (Revelation 7:14) At the end of the Tribulation Period all Jews who are still alive at the second coming of Jesus will trust in Him as Savior. (Zach. 12:10; Romans 11:25-26) Knowing that man is spiritually blind and the condition of the human heart that is hard toward God, one must conclude, then, that no one can comprehend the Gospel of Christ apart from the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the only One who can convict man of sin, righteous, and the judgement to come. (John 16:8)

2. In Relation to Believers During the Tribulation Period

It appears that the ministry of the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation Period will be very similar to His ministry during the Old Testament. He will be active and work in the lives of men and women. He will certainly seal and empower the 2 witnesses (Revelation 11:3-4) and the 144,000 to live a life of obedience to the Lord. (Revelation 7:2-5) Are the 144,002 the only ones that are said to be sealed? Let’s look at Revelation 9:1-4. Who are these people? They are at least the 144,000 but are there more who are sealed? Does sealing mean that He will indwells them? Probably not because the Holy Spirit is removed from His’ indwelling ministry with believers when the church is translated to heaven so that lawlessness will not be restrained any longer. Will He come upon those who are not sealed as He did in the Old Testament to guide, empower, and give wisdom to believers? Probably. Will He use believers to witness? Possibly as we see in Mathew 24:14 that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the entire world! We do know for certain that an angel will be used God to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom. (Revelation 14:6)

There are only a few verses in Scripture that explain the ministry of the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation Period. However, Acts 2:14- 21 may give us some insight into this. Acts 2:14-21 is a quote from Joel 2. Some see this prophesy being partially fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost. Others think this prophecy was not fulfilled at all on Pentecost. It is not the purpose of today’s study to deal with this prophecy except to show that the Holy Spirit will be ministering during the Tribulation Period. Regardless of the interpretation of this prophecy, we do know that verses 19 & 20 will not be fulfilled until the end of the Tribulation Period. At that that time of future darkness, signs, and wonders at the end of the Tribulation Period and just before the second coming of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will pour out on all mankind with the results that Luke mentioned. Another possible Text that shows the ministry of the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation Period is Revelation 11:4 that links the ministry of the two witnesses to the power of the Holy Spirit. (Zach 4:6)


In conclusion, it appears from Scripture dealing with the Tribulation Period that the ministry of the Holy Spirit will be different then it is now in the Church Age. False doctrine will reach new heights of deception and sin and lawlessness will be ramped because of the restraining work of the Holy Spirit will be removed. Even among all the sin and chaos of the Tribulation Period, thousands of Jews and Gentiles will trust in the Messiah for salvation because of the convicting work of the Holy Spirit.


The Tribulation Period is going to be an unprecedented time of lawlessness, apostacy, sin, chaos, and horror as a result of the unholy trinity wielding its unrighteous acts upon the earth. Also, God will pour out His’ wrath upon the earth as He targets unrighteous people. So what does this have to do with those of us who have been baptized into the church since we will not be on earth during the Tribulation Period? Well, there are at least two applications from this lesson about the ministry of the holy Spirit during the Tribulation Period.

One, with a deep spirit of humility and a very thankful heart, we need to praise the LORD as a member of the Body of Christ that we will not have to experience the seven years of tribulation. This should be done without a smidgen of superiority, pride, arrogance, or smugness. We are not going to miss the Tribulating Period because we are better, smarter, more righteous, superior, etc. to those who are going to be there. But we will miss the Tribulation Period because it is designed to get Israel ready for the Messianic Kingdom and to pour wrath on unbelieving Gentiles.

Two, do we really believe that friends, relatives, coworkers, neighbors, etc., who do not trust in Jesus as Savior are really going to go through the Tribulation Period if the Rapture happens in our lifetime. Also, do we really believe that our friends, relatives, coworkers, neighbors, etc. will spend an eternity in the Lake of Fire if they do not trust in Jesus before they die. If we really do, we need to pray and strive on a daily basis in the power, boldness, and wisdom of the Lord to be His’ ambassadors on the earth as active and passive witnesses. Remember that an active witness is a believer who takes the initiative to share the Good News with people. A passive witness is a believer who is being observed by others to see how they will act or react to people during different situations to see if they are living the lifestyle of a true believer in Jesus