Bob Josey: 144,000 part 3 November 3, 2019
Post date: Nov 3, 2019 7:42:17 PM
6. The Role of the 144,000 During the Tribulation - Part 3 (Revelation 14:4-5)
3. They will be first fruits – To understand the concept of first fruits, we must first go to one of Israel’s feasts found in Leviticus 23:9-11. In the Hebrew it is known as Bikkurim which means first fruits. In these verses the Lord is saying that He is taking the people of Israel into an exceptionally fertile land and that He would like them to acknowledge that fact. In the spring when the barley harvest, first harvest of the year is available, the High Priest was to go into the barley field to pick the first sheaf of barley to bring to the Temple so that the high priest could acknowledge it before the Lord. This must be done on the Sunday after the first Sabbath during the week of Unleavened Bread. The picking of the first sheaf began the harvesting of the remainder of the barley in the fields.
Now what does the Feast of First Fruits have to do with the144,000 being called first fruits. The phrase first fruits is used six times in the New Testament. First Corinthians 15:20-23 gives us insight into our passage in Revelation 14. First Fruits is a picture of Jesus resurrection. Jesus died on Passover and was resurrected on the Feast of Fruit Fruits i.e. the first Sunday after the Sabbath. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 said that Jesus’ resurrection was a promise of a future resurrection of believers in Jesus. When we celebrate Resurrection Day, we are acknowledging that Jesus was resurrected but also that we as believers are going to be resurrected because Jesus’ resurrection. His resurrection is a guarantee or pledge of more to come. His resurrection represents a sample of a vast harvest of those who will follow Him.
In verses 4 & 5, the 144,000 represent the believing remnant of Jewish people that were bought with the blood of Jesus during the Tribulation period. They are a pledge or a guarantee from Jesus and the Father that there will be many more Jewish believers to come during the 1000-year Messianic Kingdom. They will be the nucleus of the coming kingdom. Therefore, both Jews and a myriad of Gentiles will be saved during the Tribulation Period. Revelation 7:9 says, “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands.” The Palm branches may symbolize the fact that Jesus is the Messiah just as they did on Palm Sunday when Jesus road in on a donkey as the Messianic King of Israel. Palm branches are associated with triumph, victory, and rejoicing; therefore, the great multitude will certainly be able to wave them to rejoice and to claim the victory concerning the fact that the Messiah of Israel triumphed and gained victory over death.
4. They will not be liars – No one will be able to accuse them of lying. This is the opposite of what Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet will be – constant and liars. Psalm 15:1-2 says, “O LORD, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill? He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, And speaks truth in his heart.” This refers to being in fellowship with the Lord. Remember that in John 15 about the vine and the branches that obedience is the requirement for abiding with Jesus.
5. They will be blameless – The Greek word translated blameless is also used to describe sacrificial animals without defect. They will be beyond reproach. They will be free from accusations. Today during the church age two of the qualifications for being a deacon and/or an elder are that they be blameless and beyond reproach. Also, Ephesians 1:4 says that believers in Jesus should also “be holy and blameless before Him.”
Now that we have studied Revelation 7:4-8 and 14:1-5, we must answer two questions. “Why were the 144,000 sealed and what will be the ministry of the 144,000 be during the Tribulation Period?” Before answering those questions, let’s first compare and contrast what we have learned about the two witnesses and the 144,000 Jewish men.
They will be:
The Two Witnesses (Revelation 11:3-13)
· Witnesses
· Prophets
· Given the authority to deliver plagues
· Protected from harm by God for 3½ years
· Murdered
· Resurrected after 3½ days
· Called to heaven
144,000 Jewish Men (Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1-5)
Y Sealed with the he names of Jesus and the Father on their foreheads
Y Bond-servants of God
Y 144,000 Jewish men from the 12 tribes
Y Will stand with Jesus on Mount Zion
Y The only ones able to understand the new song
Y Purchased from the earth
Y Will not be defiled by women
Y Virgins
Y Follow Jesus
Y Purchased from among men as First fruits
Y Will not lie
Y Blameless
The chart, which is taken directly from Scripture, describes the two witnesses and the144,000 Jewish men. From Scripture we find that there is no indication whatsoever that the ministry of the 144,000 will be that of preachers, prophets, or evangelists. There is also no indication that they will have the authority to deliver plagues to the earth.
Scripture does seem to indicate that their testimony which will be largely from their moral and spiritual purity will be their ministry during the Tribulation Period. They will be sealed by God so no harm will come to them so that they can display their moral and spiritual purity for seven years. The days of the end time will be filled with horror after horror. The worst holocaust the world has ever witnessed will be launched by the antichrist and millions of Jews and Gentiles will be killed. A special commitment will be needed to stand up for Christ. Apparently, these 144,000 forms a special body of Jewish believers who vow and commit their lives to the end to never deny Christ. The 144,000 certainly can be described as being obedient to Paul’s commanded in Romans 12:1-2. The word “blameless” in Revelation 14:5, that can describe sacrificial animals without defect, can certainly tie into Paul’s command in Romans 12:1-2 to be a living and holy (separated to from the world and separated to God) sacrifice acceptable to God.
Even though we live in difficult time today, it is nothing compared to what the 144,000 will face during the Tribulation Period. If they can commit themselves to be obedient to Jesus during the most difficult time ever experienced by anyone since the beginning of creation, God expects no less of us today. We as believers in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit should be able to live morally pure lives by being obedient Paul’s command in Romans 12:1-2. Even though the example of the obedience of the 144,000 is still in the future, they still should be an example for us today.