Regular Meetings/Activities
8:15 AM: Adult Bible Study in the Magnolia Room, one floor below main sanctuary. We start with some social time where we catch up with one another (pick up coffee as you come through the building).
8:30: We follow this with a time of announcements and a time of sharing prayer requests. These requests are summarized and mailed out in an email during the week.
8:40: Bob Josey then gives us a lesson from Scripture, including many specific references.
Join those who will be attending the 10:00 service in the Sanctuary or the Activity Center.
Class Social - We try to have an ice cream social or movie night each month. Details provided as soon as they are firmed up via Sunday morning announcements ant the Prayer Post. See Regular Activities for more information.
Care Groups
Each class member/couple is assigned to a care group. The care group leaders are responsible for organizing any care efforts that the member might need. The care group leader frequently organizes dinner for a family when they are going through trials or health issues. Each group generally contains around 4 to 6 couples. All of the care group leaders are in a group of their own, with their own care group leader.
Jean Glass is the Care Group Coordinator.
Monthly Women's Lunch/Dinner Meeting
Monthly the women of the class meet for lunch or dinner. Often it is in the home of one of the class members, sometimes it is in a restaurant. Details are announced in the regular Sunday morning meetings.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast (might change locations.. Ken will provide updates)
Men gather at the IHOP on Johnson Ferry Road first Wednesday of the month for breakfast and fellowship. Gather at 8:15 and order by 8:30. A great opportunity to get to know the other men in the class in an informal, fun atmosphere.
Class Roster/Directory
The class maintains a file of members with contact information like addresses, emails, phone numbers. That is published in paper format once a year. Copies are available in the class cart right outside the Magnolia Room. As information changes between publishing dates, those are distributed by email to the class members.
Peggy Donnenwirth is the Class Roster Coordinator.
Door Greeters
Each Sunday morning, someone is asked to be at each door to welcome all of our regular members and guests. Jim Hylton is the Greeter Coordinator.